Mursi, on the other hand, revealed a level of
independence that no one – NO ONE – anticipated as he condemned the Syrian
government and urged the Syrian rebels to unify and turn out President
Assad. No doubt somewhat shocked, the
Syrian delegation walked out. More
importantly, the Iranian government likely had a collective heart attack as
Mursi, a conservative from the Muslim Brotherhood (feared and loathed by the
Americans and Israelis) basically told Iran that he supported the rebels whom
the West want to see take down Assad, putting him on the same side as Turkey,
Western Europe and the US and against Russia, Iran and the current Syrian
government. I leave China out because their veto of the UN resolutions, where
they joined Russia, were based on the
principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of another country (not
liking the idea that it could be applied to them) rather than the vaporization
of an ally and major arms purchaser.
As if to rub salt into
the wound, Mursi then went on to compare the rebel cause in Syria to the plight
of the Palestinians. Just to be clear –
the Palestinian cause is sacred to Egypt and a frequent, convenient rallying
point for Iranian propaganda. Mursi has effectively
put Iran in the shoes of Israel vis a vis the Syrian rebels. Sting much?
This speech is clearly
not what Iran wanted and ups their cost as they will now have to deal with an
increasingly annoyed Turkish government, the vast wealth of Qatar and Saudi
Arabia and now a moral opponent in the leading Arab state of Egypt supposedly
being run by one of their own. This is clearly not the optimum outcome from the
point of view of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs nor will Hezbollah be
celebrating in the streets of Beirut. Hezbollah leadership is likely re-calibrating everything at this point.
Multiple factors seem to be in play. Aside from the
fact that President Mursi is a creation of the Egyptian revolution and likely
feels a good deal of sympathy for the similar revolt in Syria which began
peacefully and was met by violent responses from the Assad family, Mursi is Sunni in a largely Sunni
country. Turkey is Sunni as well. The Sunni minority in Iraq has been sidelined
from power, with the Sunni Vice President forced to flee to Istanbul. Iran has the upper hand in Iraq (thanks Bush
Jr.) and Egypt wants Western, Qatari and Saudi money and investment. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are, like Egypt and
Syria, Arab. Iran is decidedly not Arab or
Sunni and, to make matters worse is flexing its muscle in the direction of the
Gulf Arab states.
So, now the game
becomes more complex. Moscow is sweating
and Iran is probably not in the best of moods.
An interesting sidelight to this is the American displeasure that the
non-aligned movement held its conference
in Tehran. They actively tried to convince
the UN Secretary General not to attend (any place, except Iran). The Republican Party railed against the
meeting and the UN – largely because they prefer killing to peace - and thought a dictator like Hosni Mubarak was their kinda guy. Who’s laughing now?
Assad said the army
was “cleansing” society and needed some time to finish the job. Not the best choice of words. Once ground-to-air missiles and some
anti-armour weapons begin to make their impact through the largess of Qatar
and the Saudi’s, Moscow should start to fixture a nice dacha for him.